The Trouble Series - Book 1
Trouble in Heaven
In the beginning The Alpha created the heavens and the earth. This story takes place before that.
Shamayim. A perfect place, filled with perfect beings, all living in perfect peace. It was as The Alpha had always imagined it to be in unfathomable ages past. But when Son of the Dawn, his highest created being, chose to follow his own selfish ambitions—going so far as to boast about taking The Alpha’s throne—there was trouble.
Michael and Gabriel, chief amongst The Alpha’s seven archangels, had been close to Son of the Dawn to the extent of being inseparable. When he chose to rebel, attempting to persuade angels under Michael and Gabriel’s direct command to join him, it felt like betrayal. But that didn’t come close to the pain they felt when he took a third of the angelic host and left, for he wasn’t just leaving Shamayim and The Alpha…he was leaving them. When he finally declared all-out war against the Realm, the betrayal was complete.
Committed to honoring the freedom of choice He had embedded within each of His created beings, The Alpha watched sorrowfully as consequence followed consequence with Son of the Dawn growing ever more bold in his revolt. Believing that there was nothing The Alpha could create that he couldn’t corrupt, his rebellious stain began to spread throughout The Alpha’s creation. What had been meant for timeless tranquility had now dissolved into trouble…Trouble in Heaven.